- Objectnaam: boek
- Parachalil, Joseph
- The Angel of peace ( the life of St. Norbert the Great) / Joseph Parachalil O.Praem.
- [ S.l. ] :
- [s.n.],
- [ 2003 ].
- Noot: Aan de kop van de titelpagina: For the Glory of Jesus Christ Our Lord. - This book is dedicated to my Alma Mater, the Praemonstratensian Abbey of Berne, The Netherlands on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Foundation of the Preamonstratensian Order in the State of Tamilnadu, India tot cherish the Memory of the Jubilee Celebrations.
- 167 p. :
- ill. ;
- 21 cm.
- Trefwoord: Norbert von Xanten (ca. 1080-1134), Gelegenheidsuitgaven
- Land: India
- Taal: Engels
- Locatie AvB: 026.99 nor/pa
- Locatie Ess: 026.99 nor p
- Tijdvak AvB: AvB20
- Tijdvak Ess:ESS20